Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Let the count down begin!

Well since my last posting in January, a lot of amazing things have happened. I'm not the best at keeping this blog updated like I should but in my last posting I had made a list of some accomplishments I wanted to achieve before the end of 2009. And let me say, I'm VERY happy to say that great things are coming!

First off, I decided that I needed to be pro-active with my debt management and decided to give up my 3 weeks of vacation I had coming for this year and cash it in and pay off 3 credit cards. Wow, did that feel great! I knew in my head that my goal is to be completely done with my car loan and my credit cards by next April. For some reason that is my completion date and I'm determind to meet that goal, even though I now have no vacation. Oh well, I can just plan on weekend get aways from time to time throught out the year.

Next, I'M GETTING MARRIED!!! Yes, it's true. Finally. I was taken by complete surprise on February 21, 2009. Steve had made a suggestion that we go to Salty's for dinner on Alki that night after I had gotten back from a family birthday party. I though, ok, that sounds great (those of you who know Steve will know going to a very high end seafood restaurant is a big move for him, knowing how much he HATES seafood) So I get home that evening around 6pm and we both got ready and headed for Alki. We had a great dinner, yummy desert, and a awesome drinks. Moving on. Steve had suggested we go for a walk after dinner along the beach because Alki is a place him and I went to on summer evenings, so I thought sure, why not. I was wearing heels and he wanted to go down on to the beach for a walk, the tide was out and it was chilly so I of course griped and said "come on, do we REALLY need to walk on the sand? Of course I agreed and away we went. On our way back up he turned around and said, I have something to ask you, and I immediately knew what was coming.

He got down on one knee and said "Will you marry me? I of course was in such shock I said yes of course I will. I still can't believe it.

We have set the date for June 26th, 2010 at St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church in Seattle. I will finally be having my Big Fat Greek Wedding and I can't wait!!!

I feel like I have a million things to do (which I do) and trying to make decisions with out getting too overwhelmed can sometimes be hard but it will all come together, I just know it.